Hall of Fame

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Niharika Singh: VII-B [2014-15]

Niharika Singh, is an all-rounder, excelling in both academics as well as extra-curricular activities. She has always participated in and won the merit award in the Chinmaya Mission Bhagwad Gita Shloka Chanting Competition. She also entered the final round of the Swami Vivekananda Quiz held at the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi. In addition, she has won a number of medals for best entry in the Camlin All India Art Competitions which are conducted regularly each year.

We are proud of you, Niharika.


Sahil Dahiya: IX-B [2014-15]

Sahil Dahiya is a promising boxer who outdid himself by winning the gold medal in the Under-16 category of the District level Boxing Championship in the year 2014. With consistent hard work and single-minded dedication, Sahil can certainly make a name for himself in his chosen field.


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